羞恥お漏らし利尿剤混入 アイドルオーデション 2
When a fake idle audition was held somewhere in Tokyo, 22 women who wanted to work as an idol for various reasons gathered. Using the drying and tension of the room, the throat is easy to thirst, and a drink with diuretics is prepared in the waiting room and the examination venue. Believing that it was a real audition and doubting it, they drunk with a smile, "Thank you!" A few tens of minutes later, a strong urination was attacked. A body that trembles in small pieces, distorted in an attempt to protect the bladder that is likely to burst. You can't appeal yourself well. However, it is not possible to say "I want to go to the bathroom" because I fear that the examination will be deducted. A dream or a toilet? The girls who drive themselves into urination patience. Eventually, the bomb urine was released from the bladder, which reached the limit, pierced clothes and dripped to the floor with the urine sound. The sound was somewhat sad, and it was like a sad cry of the person who lost the stacked thing in an instant. [JADE monopoly],ja
羞恥お漏らし利尿剤混入 アイドルオーデション 2
シリーズ : 羞恥お漏らし利尿剤混入 アイドルオーデション
ジャンル : Amateur hidden pole peeing incontinence 4Mbps,ja,Hidden cheat cheats schoolgirl Under preaching download,ja,DLEE-714,en
収録時間 : 5:30:42
ビットレート : 4000 kbps
価格 : 8,745 円
配信開始日 : 2021/04/25
DVD発売日 : 2021/05/12
収録時間 : 330 分
月額視聴 : –
視聴制限 : –
VR動画 : –
商品番号 : DLSL-454
お気に入り数 : 22